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engineer wearing a blue hard hat and high visibility yellow vest, there is an atlas copco logo in the background

What happens during a compressed air energy audit, and how it could help your business

With the cost of living crisis being a constant in our lives at the moment, most businesses are looking for ways to reduce costs. An energy audit service is an essential tool for any business looking to optimise energy usage and reduce costs, especially in the context of compressed air systems. One of the most […]

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vacuum pumps within warehouse

How does a vacuum pump work?

Vacuum pumps are used in a wide variety of different industries and are essential in the daily operations of the medical, automotive, industrial manufacturing, and aerospace sectors. Whether you are already an expert on vacuum pumps or are a complete novice looking for more information on how a vacuum pump works, the different types of […]

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This is an image of Atlas Copco Compressors being installed into a factory. Combined with the Optimizer 4 (featured on the wall at the back) means that your factory can start saving energy and therefore costs as soon as it is commissioned. You will immediately see reduced energy bills. It is a group of 5 grey compressor housing units with the Atlas Copco blue stripe. The optimizer looks like a small black square with a blue stripe on the wall at the back.

10 ways to save energy with your air compressor system

In every industry, businesses are trying their best to reduce costs across the board due to the current economic climate. Energy efficiency is top of many companies’ priority lists due to the escalating rise in energy costs. In order to reduce energy bills, energy consumption must be reviewed by all. For businesses that utilise air […]

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This is an illustration of a heat recovery system installed by Glaston compressors and Atlas Copco. It features an Atlas Copco compressor. This demonstrates how to optimise your factory to make sure you are as energy efficient as possible. Saving your business money.

What is a heat recovery system and how does it work?

Heat recovery is a great way of using wasteful heat to create more energy. Not only is this beneficial in terms of energy efficiency, but filtered air from a heat recovery system can improve the air quality of the given environment. So, what is a heat recovery system and how does a heat recovery system […]

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How Glaston is reducing energy cost with the Atlas Copco iiTrax data logging tool

The best way of finding potential energy savings in your compressed air system is to carry out an energy audit. There are many ways of doing this but the best possible way Glaston has found is by using an iiTrax data logger. To find out how we have managed to reduce energy costs, continue reading […]

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What is energy recovery? How energy recovery systems can reduce waste and cost

Manufacturing plants in a wide range of industries are always looking for innovative ways to reduce energy costs and consumption. In recent years, there has been an increase in attention paid to more sustainable methods of processing, through the reduction of harmful materials and more. Energy recovery is also a major aspect of manufacturing now, […]

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Atlas Copco Ltd has acquired Glaston Compressor Services Ltd.

We are proud and excited to let you know that Glaston Compressors has been acquired by Atlas Copco Ltd. Atlas Copco is the global market leader in compressed air solutions and has been present in the UK for over 100 years. Glaston will continue to operate as a stand-alone company within Atlas Copco Compressors UK [...] Read More

What can you expect from Glaston’s air compressor maintenance package?

When compressed air is used within an industrial or commercial application, maintenance of the air compressor system is imperative to the overall efficiency of the system. At Glaston, we provide an exceptional air compressor maintenance service to keep your compressor in top working condition. Continue reading to discover what you can expect from our compressor […]

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How compressed air filtration systems benefit the food manufacturing industry

What are the different types of air compressors?

After deciding that your application requires an air compressor, and working out how much air you need, how you’re going to power it, and how you’re going to drive the compressor, you need to decide which one you actually need. Fortunately, Glaston is here to help. Continue reading our helpful guide on the different types […]

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How the HPC blower range keeps industry going

How long do air compressors last?

Air compressor systems are crucial to industrial and commercial operations, so the maintenance of a compressed air system is vital to how well it performs. Proper and regular maintenance of an air compressor ensures that the system can continue to effectively operate at an efficient level. When properly maintained, air compressors can last for many […]

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