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Our blog is filled with updates and news about our products and brands. Keep up to date with all things Glaston right here, as well as all the latest product news and updates from the air compressor industry as a whole.

SIGMA Air Manager 4.0 from Glaston Compressor Services

How do oil free air compressors work?

When exposing your process to oil, it becomes difficult to keep air clean, which can result in rising costs, especially if you use more and more air. As compressed air is only as good as its purity, more companies are turning to oil free air compressors. So, how do oil free air compressors work? Continue […]

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What is the Working Principle of a Nitrogen Generator?

While the big news recently has been about the shortage of CO2 in the UK, many manufacturers have been quietly going about their business using reliable and cost-effective nitrogen generation. Nitrogen is used across a wide range of industrial applications, from laser cutting to packaging perishables. It’s become such a mainstay of industry that a […]

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a large nitrogen generator from Glaston Compressor Services

The benefits of on-site nitrogen generation – Can it help make your business more environmentally friendly?

The benefits of on-site nitrogen generation are vast, yet often overlooked. Whilst it is easy to find the initial outlay for a gas generator cost prohibitive, there are distinct benefits to implementing an on-site gas generator, particularly when you consider the negatives of having to purchase vast quantities of gases to use within your manufacturing […]

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Vats within a brewery

How nitrogen gas generators can help improve brewery efficiencies?

Nitrogen is created by separating the nitrogen molecules from other gas molecules and particles in a clean, dry compressed air stream. This results in a pure supply of nitrogen that can be used in a variety of industrial processes; with the leading one being nitrogen generators for the beer system. For these applications, ultra-pure nitrogen […]

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Air compressor engineers from Glaston Compressor Services

Extend your air compressor’s lifetime with our air compressor service plan

Capital expenditure on equipment such as air compressors is rarely undertaken lightly; a company that purchases a brand-new air compressor is doing so based on a business case that demonstrates the need and the likely return on the investment in offsetting the cost.

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Keeping a Motorsport Manufacturer on Track

Glaston keeps a motorsport manufacturer on track

Glaston received an enquiry from a bespoke racing car manufacturer in the North West, who had recently expanded their factory. The company’s new facility needed a duel compressed air system to support their manufacturing requirements.

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Air compressor engineers from Glaston Compressor Services

When to repair an air compressor and when to replace

Air compressors are synonymous with factory and processing environments; they are effective in their ability to power a range and quantity of tools at the same time for a multitude of jobs and are the go-to solution for both hand-held equipment and larger machinery. Used widely on assembly lines, air compressors are a vital source […]

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How air compressor maintenance can help cut costs

How air compressor maintenance can help cut costs

Some air compressors can work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in environments where there are round the clock shifts and a constant operational demand. Others may be called into action only when particular jobs are running, sitting idle for periods of time in between. Some air compressors are working on tasks that […]

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Keeping staff and customers safe with on-site Covid testing

Keeping staff and customers safe with on-site Covid testing

Here at Glaston Compressor Services, we have made a dedicated commitment to ensuring the safety of all of our staff and customers by implementing rigorous Covid-19 safety measures. This includes the use of PPE by all of the Glaston Compressor Services staff, as well as maintaining safe distancing measures from customers whilst working on-site.

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Glaston Managing Director recognised as a Man of Distinction when it comes to Compressed Air Management

Glaston Managing Director recognised as a Man of Distinction when it comes to Compressed Air Management

Managing Director of Glaston, Michael Douglas has kicked off 2021 in style, achieving a Pass with Distinction in the Diploma in Compressed Air Management (DipCAM).

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