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Our blog is filled with updates and news about our products and brands. Keep up to date with all things Glaston right here, as well as all the latest product news and updates from the air compressor industry as a whole.

Getting Brexit ready with Glaston Compressor Services

Getting Brexit ready with Glaston Compressor Services

In June 2016, the United Kingdom voted in a national referendum to determine whether the country should remain part of the European Union. With the majority of the country’s population voting to leave the EU, businesses began to prepare for an array of changes that would come as a result of Brexit in the UK, […]

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Oil free vs. Oil compressors – which is better?

Oil-lubricated air compressor vs. oil-free compressor – which is better?

There are some environments where air purity is critical, and any oil contamination within the air can cause the final product to spoil or damage the production equipment in use. Usually specified with safety in mind, oil-free compressors offer a safe solution for either manufacturing personnel or the end user where air purity is critical. […]

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Why is compressed air vital to a number of manufacturing applications?

Compressed air is used widely in manufacturing settings, from providing energy to tools through pneumatic power, through to operating air cylinders within automated applications, as well as being used widely for operations in heavy transportation vehicles.

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Air compressor engineers from Glaston Compressor Services

What are the benefits of using an air compressor dryer?

One of the most common uses for nitrogen generators is in the food and drink industry, where the nitrogen helps to preserve food within packaging through the provision of a protective atmosphere.

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How compressed air filtration systems benefit the food manufacturing industry

How does compressed air filtration benefit the food industry?

The food industry has strict regulations and laws in place to protect the consumer. These cover processing plants at all stages of food production: preparation, processing, manufacturing and packaging. Air compressors are a critical piece of equipment often found in all these processes. They’re also often missed in hazard analysis as a critical control point […]

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Nitrogen generation equipment from Glaston Compressor Services

Ask the Experts: Why choose a Nitrogen Generator for your application?

Nitrogen generators are a more cost-effective option than liquid nitrogen filled cylinders, and are easier to manage and maintain; they are the preferred choice for most businesses who use nitrogen within their processing and packing divisions. We take a look at how nitrogen generators work and why nitrogen generator installation is such a popular option. […]

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Nitrogen generators from Glaston Compressor Services

Crisis Management from Glaston – Responding to Nitrogen Generator breakdowns

For many businesses, nitrogen generators fulfil a critical function. In some cases, this is because nitrogen is part of a safety feature, used in the prevention of fire or enabling the safe storage of volatile chemicals. In other cases, it is the business which is critical, and the nitrogen generators are a part of providing […]

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Air compressor engineers from Glaston Compressor Services

Glaston are Safe Contractor Approved

We have always prided ourselves on our safe working practices, in meeting extremely high standards of Health and Safety and in being a trusted contractor to our customers. Now we have the accreditations to support our ethos. Glaston is now Safe Contractor Approved and SafeContractor PQQ certified. This means that we have been judged by […]

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Glaston supports coating company to solve pressure drop problem

Glaston Compressor Services received an enquiry from a leading protective coating manufacturer who expressed concerns with their existing compressed air system. The system in their state-of-the-art production facility involved multiple compressors and they presumed they had reached the peak of their compressed air availability. Glaston supported by switching to oversized filters and increased pipe sizes, […]

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Small but Mighty! What are the different industrial applications of a portable air compressor

An air compressor is used to convert power from an electric, diesel or petrol motor into potential energy that is stored as pressurized air in a cylinder. The air can then be released in a controlled manner to power equipment. The ability to power tools via a diesel engine enables portable air compressors to be […]

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